Bending tree

I read a book in a year … Oh but what is a year for a book? … or in a few years maybe?

to be truthful in numberless of years and …

In an eventuality …

means being all the stories at once

of mountain roads and of their seer etc…

but does it matter… regardless of its type … for that which is ;

made of qualities of sound, sound playing light,

It surely does not matter if it matters or not

and the character writes

always about itself

but the character is not more or less than instrumental in a play of marked landscapes .

I read a sentence taking a whole day or two to live its reflection like miracles of the Sun

It is not up to me how long it takes

I live a sentence I breathe as breath and the beat is like the heart and the flow like (the blood?) … no, no like a river… that’s subtler

However In truth there is no resemblance as of a ‘like’

it just is so

That’s how I know to imagine the next line like a lover

a new season of a new cycle

And when it finds me on a seemingly a next moment I hold my breath

Almost as if the Sun’s kiss

Only for the Sun in my bosom I wished to be the Moon


Rising it below and above through prismatic mediums of my own making

Made of the sound of the pages that I turn

giving it a skin by my touch I exhale making its creatures

looking like my one day

inserting them within endless blank pages that cast their stories through their perception of a day

made of intervals of shades of their thoughts

is play

in rooms where gods meditate

Tiling the changing patterns of the mountain tops on which they assume to sit for a while

‘A while’ is space which mortals call for the benefit of the worlds

Worlds that has assumed an awe

by shattering interpolations of visibility of luminaries

such that a laddered path reveals out of a misty color

a reduced echelon form

to be able to reach ‘There!’ is the game , a kind of a game

This asana of Reaching … the ability of assuming the best surrounding for embedding the best stretched form of such belief

and this

‘There” is always

“as if ” somewhere


this separation

is made of a loud laugh maybe

remains unhearable in truth

Like that song … Only love …

#a #subtle #secret, #profundity, #embace , #… etc

each sentence casts

an aesthetics of an identity

A crystal with permuted rows just

Transparent and

Hushed about


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